"Trump Repeats Unfounded Claims About Mail-In Voting, Threatens Funding To 2 States"
-- 5/20/2020


In the midst of this pandemic, our leaders should be making it easier and safer for people to vote. But instead, President Trump is ramping up his baseless attacks on mail-in voting.

Earlier this week, Trump tweeted threats to cut Michigan's federal funding after their Secretary of State announced all voters will be mailed an absentee ballot application. He then followed it up with similar threats to Nevada.

States should not be punished for protecting their citizens' health and safety. Add your name to stand with Kim and show your support for universal mail-in voting:

John -- this is a clear political move from Trump. Both targets of his attacks are states with Democratic governors. Meanwhile, other states with Republican governors have similarly sent absentee ballot applications to voters -- yet Trump has remained silent.

Protecting citizens' safety and constitutional right to vote should not be a partisan issue. If we're going to protect our democracy and ensure all voices can be safely heard this election, we need to take action now and demand that every American be able to vote safely from their own home.

If you agree we must protect the right of all citizens to vote in this election without putting their health at risk, add your name to stand with Kim and call for universal mail-in voting.


Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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