I recently sat down with one of my long-time friends and fellow undercover investigator, David Daleiden, to discuss his experiences in his organization, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
Many people — including passionate pro-life activists — have never seen or heard what David has uncovered (and continues to) in the last 10+ years. I want to make sure you know about his work.
David started CMP to begin intentional investigative journalism after he heard a scientist mention briefly in a lecture that they use the tissue of aborted babies in their medical experiments.
David knew he had to learn more about what was really happening behind closed doors. David and his colleagues posed as representatives of a new biotech startup that wanted to buy body parts from Planned Parenthood. They were able to have meetings with Planned Parenthood executives and recorded the conversations on a hidden bodycam.
He recorded them explaining in horrifying detail how they perform partial-birth abortions — which is illegal — in order to obtain intact body parts of these precious babies.
Yet even though he exposed criminal behavior, David has been (and still is) the target of legal officials.
After the undercover footage was released, at the request of Planned Parenthood, the then-attorney general of California, Kamala Harris, decided to send California state agents to raid David’s home and steal his video footage.
He is still being targeted by the abortion industry and legal officials who should be helping him protect babies from unjust death and their bodies from dehumanizing mutilation.
You can hear more details about David’s story by watching our full conversation here:
In our discussion, David pointed out why investigating and exposing the dark industry of selling aborted fetal body parts has unique, dire importance.
David’s words are powerful, and we all need to let this sink in:
“It’s a level of objectification beyond the objectification of killing a baby through abortion. It’s a level of dehumanization beyond the original dehumanization. It’s this huge paradox because they’re saying, ‘They’re human enough for us to experiment on, but they’re not human enough for us to protect from being killed in the first place.’”
Even though David’s efforts have made some incredible progress in calling out Planned Parenthood’s malpractice piled upon malpractice, we have copious amounts of work left to do.
Over the past decade, Planned Parenthood has seen a 20% increase in abortions (totaling 3.8 million), taxpayer funding has dramatically increased (to over $6.5 billion), and the legitimate healthcare services they provide have decreased.
Over 1,000 abortions happen every day at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country.
These are sobering realities, but that’s why David’s example is one of powerful hope. If enough of us are brave enough to go into the dark places of the abortion industry… we’ll find out that the light of truth always shines brighter — even if we feel setbacks in the progression.
We know we are on the winning side because we are on the side of truth and life.
Thank you for joining me in spreading David’s story and engaging in lifesaving activism. Precious preborn lives depend on us.
For Life,
Lila Rose
Founder and President