Before the U.S. elections, incoming President Donald Trump claimed he wanted to see an end to the war in Ukraine. In fact, he bragged that he could stop the conflict “within 24 hours of taking office.” (The Hill, Dec. 30) Chicago, mid-May 2012, during week of anti-NATO actions. WW PHOTO . . .
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Catalinotto, redactor gerente de Mundo Obrero/Workers World, entrevistó al periodista y escritor europeo Alex Anfruns acerca de su libro Níger: ¿Otro golpe de Estado o Revolución panafricana? 2024, El viejo topo, Barcelona, John Catalinotto: Decidiste escribir un libro sobre los acontecimientos ocurridos en el Sahel africano en el último año . . .
Continue reading ¿‘Golpe’ o revolución popular en el Sahel? at
By Bahman Azad The message below, from U.S. Peace Council President Bahman Azad, was read by Saher Al Khamash of the Bronx Anti-War Coalition at a webinar on the U.S. role in Syria, organized by the United National Antiwar Coalition, on Dec. 28, 2024. Bahman Azad Please forgive me for . . .
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