Soros-funded prosecutors want to put pro-lifers in jail.
The trend is ugly. Bring in the police, detain or arrest the pro-lifer, and then manipulate the law to criminally prosecute the advocate who did nothing wrong under the Constitution. And repeat . . .
Such is the case of a couple, Zack and Lindsay, dedicated pro-life advocates who fight for unborn babies. They exercised their constitutional rights, yet Zack is facing criminal prosecution because they dared challenge the abortion industry's hold on their city.
We are in the early stages of Zack's criminal defense, but unconstitutional ordinances and selective enforcement threaten the ability to save babies. We're ready for this fight.
We've fought these unconstitutional laws and unjust prosecutions all the way to the Supreme Court before, and we're ready to do it again. But we need you to act urgently with us TODAY.
Sign NEW Petition: Stop Criminalizing Saving Babies.
Read: Growing Criminal Threat to Pro-Life Advocates.
The attacks on Christians keep growing.
An employee showed up for work at Kay Jewelers and was asked about her Christian faith by a co-worker. Our client answered the question about her faith and was then fired for "talking about God at work."
It's absurd and outrageous. Kay Jewelers should be embarrassed. We filed a major lawsuit to defend our client's religious liberty. Join the fight.
Sign Petition: Defeat the Left's War on Christians.
Read: Kay Jewelers' Employee Discusses God – Is Fired.
The Biden Deep State continues its attacks on our colleague Tulsi Gabbard by delaying her FBI background check. Far-Left Senators are using this as a power play to block her confirmation hearing for Director of National Intelligence.
We've worked closely with Tulsi for nearly two years, and we need her on Trump's national security team. We're on Capitol Hill fighting for her confirmation. Take action with us.
Sign Petition: Confirm Tulsi – Defeat Left-Wing Delays.
Read: At It Again, Deep State FBI Delays Nomination.
God Bless,
The ACLJ Team