Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Friday, January 10, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Supreme Cop-out
Last night, the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to reject Donald Trump’s emergency petition to stop his sentencing hearing in Judge Juan Merchan’s kangaroo court.
Usually, when the justices vote on whether or not to accept a case or a petition, we aren’t told how the justices voted. But the four justices who wanted to hear the petition wanted it known who they were. They were the four solid conservatives: Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh.
So, we know the others who rejected Trump’s petition: Sotomayor, Kagan, Jackson, Roberts, and Barrett.
Chief Justice John Roberts seems to have as his top priority not conservative jurisprudence but protecting the “institution” or image of the court. Amy Coney Barrett embraced the view that the court will likely hear the dispute again through the appeals process, so let the process play out.
On the one hand, I was surprised by the decision. On the other hand, I was not. But don’t lose sight of the fact that the entire process in New York -- the case brought by Alvin Bragg and the judge’s conduct -- was beyond unjust. It was a perfect example of lawfare.
The charges against Donald Trump were completely made up. Alvin Bragg, a local prosecutor, was attempting to enforce federal election laws with misdemeanor charges when the statute of limitations had already expired! So, he invented a “novel approach” to turn the misdemeanors into felonies.
In the middle of a presidential contest, the judge forced Trump to sit in a courtroom day after day after day. Joe Biden publicly joked about the fact that his opponent was tied up somewhere else and not on the campaign trail. Democrat audiences roared with laughter.
The judge, who is a donor to Joe Biden and whose daughter is a major Democrat fundraiser, also put a gag in Trump’s mouth. He wasn’t allowed to talk about the case. They took away the First Amendment rights of a major contender for the presidency, who will be taking the oath of office in just a few short days.
It is hard to believe that this happened in America.
Joe Biden treats Gitmo detainees better than that!
So, it’s no surprise that this judge, who doesn’t deserve that title, insisted on today’s fiasco. It’s just another attempt to try to damage Trump just as he is getting ready to take the oath of office.
Soros-funded Bragg making up the charges, Joe Biden laughing about it, and a left-wing judge rigging the trial is all further evidence of why we desperately needed to elect Donald Trump.
Drones & The LA Fires
Isn’t it amazing how every reporter in the country until about three weeks ago was breathlessly reporting the alarming reports from American citizens of what they were seeing all over the northeastern United States, particularly in New Jersey?
Then, as if someone pushed an off button, all those reports stopped, although people on the ground in New Jersey still say they are regularly seeing drones the size of buses.
Well, a drone should be making big news today.
In Los Angeles right now, there are two planes called Super Scoopers. They scoop up ocean water, fly inland, and drop a humongous amount of water over a very small area in order to break the progress of these fires.
One of those two planes is grounded today. Why? Because a drone operated by somebody or some entity we don’t know crashed into it. Was it an accident or was it intentional? And will we ever find out?
I Can’t Wait
Donald Trump said yesterday that he could not believe the federal government still has not told the American people what is really happening with the drones.
He said, “You have to give me a little time for the inauguration, but shortly thereafter, we’ll give you a report on it. We’ll tell you exactly what it is they know, and it’s very strange that they aren’t talking about it.”
So, he’s obviously been given a security briefing and knows there is more we are not being told.
Gangs & The LA Fires
Many big-time movie stars and TV personalities are on social media, including “The Fonz” Henry Wrinkler, saying they believe there is no way these fires are happening spontaneously. They believe arson is involved.
Southern California is rife with rumors that transnational gangs are setting the fires in order to force evacuations so they can loot homes. Looting is happening right now.
Yesterday, in the area of the Kenneth Fire, citizens saw a man with a propane tank, attempting to use it as a flamethrower. The screams of women brought men out of their homes, who apprehended the man and held him until the police arrived. He knew little English, and some said he appeared to be on drugs.
Stay tuned.
A Tremendous Victory
A federal judge in Kentucky just put an end to Joe Biden’s assault on reality, science, common sense, our daughters, and granddaughters!
The Biden administration and their LGBTQ allies spent the last four years attempting to impose transgender ideology on the country by radically rewriting Title IX, a law meant to protect women and girls by banning sex discrimination. Biden rewrote the law so that “sex” also included “gender identity.”
Essentially, he took a law meant to protect women and turned it into a weapon that sick men used to hurt women.
That means boys pretending to be girls would have a “right” to compete in girls’ sports and to use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. They would also have the “right” to force you to lie by compelling you to call a boy “her” or “she.”
Left-wing school districts are telling female students that they “do not have the same rights as a transgender girl,” which is a boy pretending to be a girl.
Thankfully, Judge Danny Reeves slammed the brakes on this insanity. In his opinion, Judge Reeves declared:
“[W]hen Title IX is viewed in its entirety, it is abundantly clear that discrimination on the basis of sex means discrimination on the basis of being a male or female. . . expanding the meaning of ‘on the basis of sex’ to include ‘gender identity’ turns Title IX on its head. . . [Title IX allows] males and females to be separated based on the enduring physical differences between the sexes.”
This is a clear victory, but the trans ideology battle is not over. Liberal states like California are going full speed ahead to destroy the privacy of young girls and women. They are all in on sowing confusion among little children and giving them treatments that will destroy their lives.
But this decision is a blow against the efforts of the leftists in Washington, D.C., to force this insanity on every state, including conservative states that reject it. And a bigger “punch” is on its way.
In just a matter of days, the Biden administration will no longer exist and will no longer be a party to the case. You can bet that the Trump administration will withdraw the regulations and join in lawsuits against leftist states to stop this insanity.
Once again, we see the importance of Christian men and women voting at higher levels, as well as being more involved in the public policy debates in our country than anybody else.
This is why we did so much last year with your generous help and prayers to reach and educate millions of Christian voters about their responsibilities and obligations as citizens. Our partnership with the James Dobson Family Institute got the message out to millions of voters.
Good News
- Democrats did not challenge the results of the 2024 presidential election, marking the first time this century they accepted the outcome of a GOP victory.
- Kamala Harris made history this week by becoming the first female presidential candidate to certify her own loss. (I have a video of that moment running nonstop on my computer.)
- Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed legislation strengthening parental rights and protecting children from radical transgender indoctrination in public schools.
- McDonald’s is the latest major American company to dump divisive DEI policies.
- Major U.S. banks have abandoned the Net Zero Banking Alliance that was formed to force radical left-wing ESG policies on their customers.
