Mises Institute
Friday, January 10, 2025
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Money Supply Growth Accelerates and Hits a 27-Month High
Ryan McMaken
In November, year-over-year growth in the money supply was at 2.35 percent. That’s a 27-month high and the largest year-over-year increase since September 2022.
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Modern Academe Has Corrupted the Media (And Pretty Much Everything Else)
William L. Anderson
As higher education loses accountability, it simultaneously is corrupting other institutions, especially journalism, and even the business world.
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Why Homelessness Keeps Growing
Ryan McMaken and Chris Calton take a look at why homelessness is rising and why politicians are only making it worse.
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Filibuster in Cuba
When Cuban slave owners started to worry that Spain was going to emancipate their slaves, Narciso López thought the time was ripe to start a revolution. American expansionists volunteered to help.
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Freedom of Speech and Defamation Laws
With governments cracking down on free speech and even criminalizing alleged defamation, it is time to take a new look at libel laws—and why they shouldn’t exist at all.
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Rothbard on Jimmy Carter
Lew Rockwell shares Murray Rothbard’s key theme in Jimmy Carter’s presidency—the stress on pain and sacrifice—and how Rothbard mordantly mocked it as a threat to our freedom.
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A Trick Question: How Many Times Have Nuclear Weapons Been Used?
The debate over use of nuclear weapons is built upon the assumption that they’ve only been used twice, both against Japan.
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Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve
The Fed has been the source of booms, busts, and the ongoing impoverishment of Americans since the Fed’s founding.
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The Dollar Dilemma:
Where to from Here
We should make every effort to legalize competition to the US dollar and participate in the debate over the fiat dollar, precious metals, and cryptocurrencies. It may sound like only “money,” but it has everything to do with living in a free and prosperous society.
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