From Michigan Executive Office of the Governor <[email protected]>
Subject Making Michigan the Best State to be a Teacher
Date January 10, 2025 7:47 PM
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Our educators are the foundation of a high-quality public education that every Michigander needs to build a great life. That’s why, since ta

*January 10, 2025*

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Dear Friend,

Our educators are the foundation of a high-quality public education that every Michigander needs to build a great life. That’s why, since taking office, I have made it a priority to have their backs. By lowering costs for teachers and making historic, bipartisan investments in students and schools, we are making Michigan the best place to be a teacher.

*Michigan is one of the lowest-cost states to become a teacher, with tuition-free training, student loan repayment, and stipends for student teachers.*

The MI Future Educator program offers $10,000 scholarships to 2,500 future educators annually, as well as $9,600 stipends per semester for student teachers. I signed legislation to recruit and retain skilled educators by allowing the state to accept out-of-state teaching certifications, to help retired teachers get back to work while receiving retirement benefits, and to invest millions to recruit and retain educators in rural areas.

We closed the funding gap between schools, expanded mental health resources, bolstered school safety, and upgraded classrooms while lowering class sizes. We are making historic direct investments in K-12 students, including increasing per-pupil funding by 26% in total since I took office in 2019 and delivering free breakfast and lunch to all 1.4 million public school students. We also put more resources into strengthening special education, supporting at-risk students, and assisting English language learners.

There is still more to do, and I remain committed to working with anyone who wants to continue helping make Michigan the best place to be a teacher.



Gretchen Whitmer


*Lowering the Cost of Becoming a Teacher *

Recruiting and retaining educators is vital to our children’s success. That’s why we’ve implemented initiatives that have made Michigan one of the lowest-cost states to become a teacher.

In 2022, we took bipartisan action to establish the MI Future Educator Fellowship, a tuition-free program for college students to become certified teachers. The program helps up to 2,500 aspiring teachers every year by lowering their cost of higher education by $10,000. The program also supports Michigan’s hardworking student teachers with up to $9,600 a semester [ [link removed] ] as they continue their journey to being in the classroom full-time. Learn more about the MI Future Educator Fellowship, including how to apply, here [ [link removed] ].

I am proud of Michigan students like Jacquelyn’s granddaughter who is becoming an elementary school teacher with help from the MI Future Educator program.


We’re putting money back in the pockets of our teachers by helping current teachers pay back their student loans. This September, more than 9,500 educators from over 500 Michigan school districts received the first payments from the Michigan Department of Education’s (MDE) Student Loan Repayment Program grant for teachers. Teachers are eligible to receive hundreds of dollars each month to pay back their loans, helping to retain teachers and reduce shortages in critical areas.

We are also bolstering Grow-Your-Own programs that are helping staff in school districts across the state get in front of a classroom. Through Grow-Your-Own, districts receive funds to lower costs for existing school employees to get their initial certification to become an educator or teachers seeking additional endorsements.

I also signed legislation to recruit and retain skilled educators by allowing the state to accept out-of-state teaching certifications, helping educators collectively bargain, and boosting transparency in staffing.

*Supporting Teachers in the Classroom*

Since I took office, we have made record investments in our students, teachers, and schools, including providing free breakfast and lunch to every Michigan public school student, investing in students’ mental health and school safety, and increasing our per-pupil funding by nearly 26% since 2019. Just this year, schools will see per-pupil funding increase by 4%, representing an average of $400 more per student. Making sure students are healthy and ready to learn with increased resources and free breakfast and lunch makes a real difference for both students and school employees like Negaunee Middle School Science teacher, Cody.   


Last year, I signed the Fiscal Year 2025 budget which builds on our historic efforts to invest in educators and ensure they have the resources they need to succeed. The budget raises pay for veteran teachers and continues reducing costs for current and future teachers.  

Last year, I also signed legislation that will permanently end the state’s 3% tax that many public school teachers pay into a health care fund for their retirement, putting money back in their pockets to pay bills and build a life here in Michigan.

*Protecting Retired Teachers*

Our educators work hard. We must ensure they are supported now, and in retirement. Here in Michigan, we will not pit students who deserve a high-quality public education against educators who deserve a great quality of life now and in retirement. That’s why we will continue to take fiscally responsible actions to make historic investments in our classrooms while ensuring benefits remain available for all current and future eligible public school retirees.

In 2023, I signed a bill that allows retired public school teachers to return to the classroom sooner without forfeiting their pension. Michigan’s educators are devoted to the success of their students and children, and some want to return as substitute teachers or coaches, helping to fill the teacher shortage. This allows recent school retirees like Roxanna to return to help in the classroom.


Retired teachers will also benefit from our rollback of the retirement tax, which will put an average of $1,000 a year back in the pockets of 500,000 senior households. Our teachers work hard, and they deserve to keep every hard-earned dollar of their retirement funds.

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