We must ramp up action to curb runaway global warming
The Green Party - become a Green Friend.



2024 was the hottest on record and the first year to pass the critical 1.5C global warming limit.


Former Green MP Caroline Lucas said on Newsnight last night in response to the devastating wildfires in LA and unprecedented climate disasters across the planet:


'What else does nature have to throw at us for us to wake up to this being massively exacerbated by fossil fuels?'


Yet there is no sign of the bold and ambitious action needed to tackle the catastrophic climate and nature crises.


In fact, carbon emissions are at an all-time high and Kemi Badenoch and Nigel Farage are fracturing the cross party consensus on climate action.


John, it’s time to wake up.


That's why Green MPs are needed more than ever in 2025 to hold the Labour Government to account.


Green Friends, who give a regular donation, are a growing part of our movement helping us curb runaway global warming, accelerating the transition to clean energy and, critically, keeping fossil fuels in the ground.


John, are you with us? 

Thanks for your support. Unlike other parties, we're not funded by donations linked to polluting activity which harms people and planet. 

The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ