Nearly half of young people who use nicotine want to quit in 2025
A breath of fresh air: The immediate benefits of quitting smoking or vaping nicotine
Quitting smoking has countless short- and long-term health benefits, some of which start to impact the body almost immediately after putting down a cigarette. Early studies also suggest that some chemicals present in e-cigarette aerosols may increase the risk of certain illnesses such as heart disease or cancer, but additional studies on long-term health effects are needed. Here’s what we know about the short- and long-term health effects of quitting smoking or vaping nicotine, and what resources are available to help.
Back up: Quitting vaping in 2025: Top tips and resources
2025 could be the year for you or someone you care about to quit vaping. There are many reasons people want to quit vaping nicotine, including physical or mental health concerns, financial cost, freedom from addiction, and social influence. Whatever reasons may be motivating you or someone you care about to quit, here are some top tips and resources.
This week in tobacco policy news
Denver, Colorado: Mayor Johnston signed into law the ordinance prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco products, except flavored hookah sold at hookah retailers. Denver's Department of Public Health and Environment said it doesn't plan to enforce the law until January 2026.
Utah: A federal judge granted a temporary restraining order against the State of Utah, delaying restrictions on flavored e-cigarettes until the court decides on a complaint filed against the state and other entities by the Utah Vapor Business Association. The Electronic Cigarette Amendments outlaw the sale of flavored vape products and would outlaw the sale of any vape product not authorized by federal officials.
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