With a new President and Congress taking office, our climate and environment will be under attack: [link removed]
Dear Friend,
It’s a new Congress. Polluters and their congressional allies are pushing an agenda that will benefit extractive industries at the expense of the health of our communities and weaken protections for air and water.
Whether you’re an activist, one who votes regularly, or have never voted in your life, your voice matters. We must hold our elected officials accountable day in and day out because the future of our health, lives, and planet depends on it.
Our current situation is dire — communities that have long fought relentlessly for clean air, safe drinking water, and protections from hazardous chemicals are bracing for yet another onslaught on public health and environmental safeguards.
As your legislators cast their votes in this new Congress, remind them that they’re voting on your behalf and for your values. Remind them to fight off any attempt to weaken our bedrock environmental laws and to protect recently enacted regulations that protect our climate. Remind them that the crises we are fighting demand bold, fact-based solutions rather than willful ignorance based on false narratives.
Given the stakes we are facing, this is a call to act in the most consequential fight of our lifetimes. The majority party has a very slim margin in Congress so every letter from constituents truly counts.
We must build partnership with champions in Congress to combat every attempt to roll back, diminish, and demolish health protections. To ensure that they take bold action that reflects the will of their constituents, we must continue the hard work of emailing, calling, and constantly pushing our elected officials to fight for the environmental solutions we need.
Such direct action can push many of us out of our comfort zones, but democracy only works when we participate — and our planet and our communities need our active commitment on its behalf.
I hope you’ll take time to introduce yourself to your members of Congress and remind them whose community and whose values they represent. Thank you for your voice!
Raúl García
Vice President
Policy & Legislation
TAKE ACTION: [link removed]
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