Well, everyone, we’re just about a week and a half out from Inauguration Day. How are you holding up? I’ve been having a lot of conversations with the NDRC community — including our staff, volunteers, and supporters — about the reality of the next four years. It’s a frustrating moment. But here’s a truth that I hope fills you with a bit of optimism and motivation: We’re more prepared to face threats under the second Trump presidency than the first. In 2017, despite just narrowly winning the congressional popular vote, the GOP secured a significant House margin — one that, inflated by gerrymandering, meant Donald Trump and House Republicans could pass a more extreme agenda. (They could pass a bill even when twenty House Republicans voted against it!) But this time, thanks in large part to the work of this fair maps community, the House margin more closely reflects the will of the people. This time, just a handful of Republicans could put a stop to any legislation in the House. Take a look at how you and fair maps have helped level the playing field:
Fairer maps lead to fairer outcomes — and that’s exactly what we’ve been fighting for all along. And heading into the 2026 midterms, thanks to the work we have done together, Democrats will be in a strong position to compete for the majority. I hope it's clear: We have a plan that works. And we'll keep building on it to defend democracy from threats under the Trump administration. If you’re committed to protecting what we’ve fought for and continuing to combat ongoing gerrymandering, please make a contribution to the NDRC right now. It’s a tough time but if we stay focused and execute our plan, I know we will continue to find wins for democracy. More soon. Thanks, Marina Jenkins
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