Mises Institute
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Wall Street Prospers While Main Street Suffers
Douglas French
GDP is a ridiculous way to gauge the strength of the economy. While prices on Wall Street remain robust, trouble lurks on Main Street.
Annexing Canada Would Be Like Adding a Second California
Ryan McMaken
With Canada as the fifty-first state, the Republicans would not win another national election for many years, and Congress would move significantly to the Left.
De-Bamboozling the Critical Race Theory of Court Intellectuals
Unfortunately, CRT concepts are embedded in our body politic.
Philosophy and Violence
David Gordon discusses violence, the state, and the proper view of war.
Eating the Rich Is Not a Good Idea
Progressives have been calling for heavy taxes and other confiscatory policies to be aimed at wealthy Americans. While they didn’t win the recent presidential election, their toxic message remains.
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The LA Fires: The “Social Contract” Is Nonsense, and No One Is Coming to Save You
Why should ordinary people expect any real services in exchange for all those enormous taxes they pay, year after year? They shouldn’t.
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Modern Academe Has Corrupted the Media (And Pretty Much Everything Else)
As higher education loses accountability, it simultaneously is corrupting other institutions, especially journalism, and even the business world.
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The Gold Standard Before the Civil War
Murray N. Rothbard presented this speech at the Mises Institute’s first conference, The Gold Standard, An Austrian Perspective, in November 1983.
Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School
Here is the book to learn classical liberalism from the ground up, written by the foremost historian in the Austrian tradition—Ralph Raico. Every student, scholar, and freedom fan must have a copy of Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School at hand, readying them for intellectual battle.
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