With the passing of Jimmy Carter, we’ve been looking back to some of what the
former president said about Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission .
That’s the infamous 2010 Supreme Court ruling that has allowed billionaires and
Big Business to spend literally as much as they want distorting our elections
and sabotaging our democracy.
Here is some of what President Carter said about Citizens United over the years:
* Citizens United is an “erroneous ruling” and “the most stupid decision the Supreme Court
ever made.”
* Citizens United has turned America into an “oligarchy with unlimited political bribery.”
* Citizens United “violates the essence” of our democracy and represents “the biggest change
in America” since he was elected in 1976.
* Citizens United has left everyday Americans “cheated out of” the chance to make their lives
* Citizens United has led to “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to
major contributors.”
Public Citizen called for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United within moments of the decision being handed down on January 21, 2010.
And we’ve been a leader of that movement ever since — with a remarkable 22
states, along with over 800 cities and towns, passing resolutions or ballot
initiatives in support of an amendment.
Jimmy Carter was right — Citizens United is destroying our democracy and must be overturned.
Add your name if you agree with former President Jimmy Carter that Citizens
United was wrong and must be overturned.
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Take action today even if you’ve signed petitions before in support of
overturning Citizens United — there’s no such thing as doing too much to protect
our democracy! [[link removed]]
Click to add your name now. [[link removed]]
Thanks for taking action.
For democracy,
- Robert Weissman & Lisa Gilbert, Co-Presidents of Public Citizen
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