State Representative Cody Harris wants to imprison me and all grassroots conservatives who urge members of the Texas House Republican Caucus to unite behind Representative David Cook for Speaker of the House. Today, Representative Harris filed a sworn complaint to the Texas Ethics Commission seeking my imprisonment. Representative Harris claims that I am “part of an effort to intimidate members [of the Texas Legislature] in order to influence their vote for speaker by threatening to reject members’ applications for a place on the Republican primary ballot.” This complaint demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the rule of law and the Republican Party of Texas.
The delegates of the 2024 Texas Republican Convention elected me to represent them, which means bringing truth to the establishment power that impeached our duly elected attorney general last legislative session. The delegates of the 2024 Texas Republican Convention adopted our rules and legislative priorities and I will continue to serve as a strong advocate for our party and our rule of law. If Representative Harris had attended the convention, maybe he would understand how grassroots conservativism works.
Let us be clear: Representative Harris ran under the Republican banner—a banner that belongs to you, the grassroots patriots of Texas. The elite, self-serving political class has no place in our party. Harris claims to be a conservative, but he’s ready to team up with radical democrats to undermine David Cook, the duly elected House Republican Caucus nominee. Will Representative Harris turn his back on the Republicans who elected him?
The establishment class, the “good ol’ boys” club, is trembling because they know we area force to be reckoned with. And let me tell you, this fight is far from over.
But I cannot do this alone. I need YOU in this battle. Stand with me and demand that your state representative honors their commitment to the Republican Party of Texas. Call, email, and make your voices heard. Together, we will show them the power of the grassroots movement.