Photo credit: Nate Ptacek
Thank you, Patagonia!
Since the founding of the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters, Patagonia has been an essential partner in the fight against proposed sulfide-ore copper mining on the edge of the Boundary Waters. Whether it has been through financial support, gear donations for auctions, hosting events, or supporting media projects, Patagonia has supported the fight since day one and for that we want to thank them! Check out this blog that highlights some of the many ways Patagonia has partnered with us over the years.

We encourage you to watch Patagonia's latest film project, Public Trust, a feature-length documentary highlighting the Boundary Waters and other American conservation priorities including Bears Ears and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Our partner group Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is featured heavily in the film. You can watch Public Trust now through May 25th as part of the Mountainfilm Festival. Plus, don't forget to vote for the film via the audience awards.

True North Map Company
Since the Boundary Waters is now open for overnight use, plan ahead for your navigational needs with True North Map Company’s highly detailed navigational cloth maps. They are perfect for tying around your leg or bag while you canoe so that you can see where you are without having to worry about pulling out a large paper map that could get wet!

Get your Campaign merch!
Show your love for the Boundary Waters this spring with a new Campaign hat, sweatshirt, or t-shirt while also supporting the permanent protection of the Boundary Waters.

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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States