Mises Institute
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Politicians Won’t Solve Our Spending Problem Unless We Make Them
Connor O’Keeffe
Politicians respond to pressure. If we want them to actually carry out the cuts they claim to stand for, it’s up to us to provide that pressure.
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Böhm-Bawerk Shows How Each Choice We Make Shapes the Economy
Ulrich Fromy
Böhm-Bawerk shows us that economics is built into all human experience.
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The Anticapitalists
A characteristic of Western society is that envy has been suppressed much more than it has in any other society in history.
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Federal Power and Statist Racecraft
In the post-Civil War South during Reconstruction, federal troops attempted to impose their will in part by pitting recently-freed slaves against southern whites.
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Annexing Canada Would Be Like Adding a Second California
Republicans would not win another national election for many years, and Congress would move significantly to the Left.
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Year in Review: A Tectonic Shift Has Only Just Begun
As we start a new year, it is a good time to take a step back and remember what the past year has taught us.
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Is Postal Privatization Worthwhile?
President-elect Trump recently suggested privatizing the US Postal Service. Why? Competition works.
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The Anticapitalists: Barbarians at the Gate
“These New Barbarians will... destroy not only capitalism, but also education, science, technology, literature, art, individual rights, prosperity, in fact, civilization itself.” —Larry Sechrest (2008)
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Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School
Here is the book to learn classical liberalism from the ground up, written by the foremost historian in the Austrian tradition—Ralph Raico. Every student, scholar, and freedom fan must have a copy of Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School at hand, readying them for intellectual battle.
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