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Dear SPUC supporter
Happy New Year! It’s our first full week back of 2025, but we’re diving straight back into campaigning work. We have exciting plans to push back against the deadly pills by post policy, and our parliamentary officers, David and Maureen, will be briefing MPs on this tomorrow in Parliament.
We also have much work to do to ensure that we defeat Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide bill. At our webinar at the end of last year, I was really encouraged to see how energised supporters were to keep fighting on this issue, despite the disappointing result of the vote in November.
We will be giving you a range of campaigning actions to do ahead of the Third Reading, which is expected in April, but there is an important task you can do in the next 12 days.
The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill is now being examined by a Committee of MPs.
This committee has just put out a call for evidence, asking for written submissions about the bill.
While the committee's members were chosen by Ms Leadbeater, this remains an important opportunity to pose difficult questions, to air challenging evidence, and to highlight deficiencies that were neglected in the rush to second reading.
We need to make it clear to MPs that this bill is not safe and should be abandoned.
No formal deadline has been declared, but we know that time is short. The committee will start taking oral evidence by 20^th January, so for the most realistic chance to have your evidence considered and taken into account, please submit it by then.
We have produced a guide on how to write and submit your evidence, which you can download here.
Guide ([link removed])
Please submit evidence to the committee if you can. I appreciate that this is more complex than most actions we ask you to take. I hope the guide is useful, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate that fuller guides or template text are not appropriate when submitting to a parliamentary committee – any submission must be an expression of your own concerns about the workability of the Bill. If this is not something you feel able to do, worry not – there will be plenty of other opportunities to take action!
Looking forward to a 2025 campaigning together to protect human life.
Best regards,
Alithea Williams
Public Policy Manager
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Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) . Unit B, 3 Whitacre Mews . Stannary Street . London, SE11 4AB . United Kingdom