Dear John,
For many of us, the new year brings with it the promise of boundless opportunities. But for people with autism and their families, it can bring just as many challenges — especially for those with little-to-no access to the support they need.
That’s why we work so hard to rally support for our mission at the beginning of each year. With your help, we can reach even more families with expert support services today while advancing research to improve the lives and well-being of people with autism for generations to come.
You can support this important work with DOUBLE the impact when you make a tax-deductible gift to Autism Speaks before midnight TONIGHT. Please don’t miss this chance to fuel 2X research, advocacy, and support services for people with autism and their families.
Thanks in advance,
Kelli Seely
Chief Marketing Officer
Autism Speaks
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From: Autism Speaks
Sent: Wednesday, January 1
To: [email protected]
Subject: We missed the mark