Dear John,

On July 28, 2024, Venezuelans went to the polls in a heavily contested election to choose their next president.

The incumbent, Nicolás Maduro, was running for another term and had a track record of using desperate tactics to stay in power.

He previously removed opponents from the ballot while arresting, imprisoning, or torturing others.

Nonetheless, as Election Day approached, it became clear that voters were ready to make a change.

Maduro saw the writing on the wall and decided that stealing the election was his only option to stay in power.

However, the opposition leaders were prepared…

They devised a plan code-named “600k.”

The idea was simple: Recruit 600,000 volunteers to work as election observers, and then, after polls closed, they would collect copies of the results and upload them to an internet database.

This way, Venezuelans could see the actual results before Maduro’s regime could create fake results and claim victory.

The 600k plan took effect on July 28, and the data collected showed that opposition candidate Edmundo González won the election with almost 70% of the vote.

Maduro nonetheless claimed he won with 51% and has remained in power.

María Corina Machado, a long-time friend of Atlas Network in Venezuela, has been leading the country’s freedom movement for decades, and she’s not giving up just because Maduro has refused to leave office.

María is now known colloquially as “The Iron Lady of Liberty” in Latin America, and she, along with other allies of Atlas Network, is still leading the efforts to teach everyday Venezuelans the truth about the election.

With support from Atlas Network, they’re working to spread the ideas of free markets and individual liberty and the promise these values hold for a peaceful and prosperous Venezuela, and they’re doing all this while they remain in hiding from Maduro’s violent thugs.

She also graces the cover of our newest edition of Freedom’s Champion.

Roberto Salinas León, Atlas Network’s Senior Fellow for Latin America, wrote the feature article about Corina and shares her story of becoming one of the freedom movement’s most impactful leaders.

Discover her inspiring story and the courageous fight for freedom in Venezuela by reading the latest edition of Freedom’s Champion for free today.

Thank you,


PS: This week is Venezuela's "swearing in" ceremony. Maduro is planning to stay in power, but the opposition will protest, plus Edmundo González may return to the country and seek a legitimate transfer of power. For the latest out of Venezuela, be sure to follow María Corina Machado on X.

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