Did you know that the Texas House is the only legislative body in the country that grants powerful positions to the opposing party?
The Republican Party Of Texas "Ban Democrat Chairs" Committee needs your support to end the practice of appointing Democrats to chair committees in the Texas House. With 150 House members -- 88 Republicans and 62 Democrats -- conservative legislation which passed the Texas Senate dies in the Texas House committees chaired by Democrats and does not receive a floor vote.
The upcoming race for Speaker of the House will play a critical role in addressing this issue. The Republican House Caucus met on December 7, 2024, to select its nominee where the outcome is being contested: Republicans David Cook and Dustin Burrows are running for the Speaker of the House. Only David Cook has pledged to exclusively appoint Republicans to chair committees.
On January 14, 2025, the opening day of the 89th Legislative Session, the entire Texas House will vote for Speaker. A simple majority of 76 votes is needed to win.
The Republican Party of Texas is chartering buses across Texas to the State Capitol, along with car caravans and individual supporters, on opening day January 14 to witness the House Representatives vote on the floor. Register using the link below.
REGISTER NOW ([link removed])
Texas Senator SD11 Mayes Middleton, Representative HD130 Tom Oliverson, and Representative HD96 David Cook are collecting donations to help cover the cost of the buses, making it easier for grassroots patriots to join this critical effort. Donate to the "Ban Democrat Chairs" Committee using the link below.
DONATE ([link removed])
Together, we can hold our elected officials accountable and secure a House Speaker who reflects Republican values.
Rhonda Ward and Daniel Hunt, our Texas Senate District 3 State Republican Executive Committeewoman and Committeeman, have chartered a bus to take Republicans from Athens to Austin on January 14th for the House Speaker vote. The bus will leave Athens at 5:00 am from Republican Headquarters, 207 E. Tyler Street. The itinerary is below: Your bus fare of $ 50 will include roundtrip transportation, a red "Ban Democrat Chaira' T-shirt, and a meal from Chick-Fil-A on the ride home. Republicans from Anderson, north Cherokee, Kaufman, Navarro, and Van Zandt Counties are invited to join us. The bus will be limited to 55 passengers.
Click here to sign up today! ([link removed])
If you are interested in helping sponsor the bus, please E-mail your name and phone number to
[email protected]. ASAP. The more sponsors we get, the lower the cost for the passengers.
5:00am Depart Henderson County RP HQ, Athens
5:45am Stop to pick-up Republicans at Navarro County Republican HQ
6:00am Depart Navarro County RP HQ
7:45am Stop at Buc-ee's in Temple for breakfast
8:00am Depart Buc-ee's
9:15am Arrive at Texas Capitol
10:30am House Gallery opens
12:00noon Swearing-in of State Representatives followed by Speaker vote
Afternoon Tour Capitol, visit Capitol Gift Shop, visit with Representatives and Senators
5:00pm Depart Capitol
6:15pm Stop at Chick-Fil-A
6:30pm Depart Chick-Fil-A
8:30pm Drop odd passengers in Corsicana
9:15pm Arrive at Henderson County RP HQ in Athens
Tickets are nonrefundable. Ticket price does not include breakfast food or beverage. Riders are responsible for getting to the bus on-time. The Republican Party of Texas and the Republican Party of Henderson County assume no liability or responsibility for injury loss, or damage to persons or property, inconvenience, delay, or expense-related to this travel.
The Republican Party Of Navarro County will hold its regularly scheduled Executive Committee Meeting on Monday (Inauguration Day) January 20, 2025 at 6:30 pm at the RPNC headquarters located at 111-B West Third Avenue in downtown Corsicana.
Our speaker is Christine Welborn, President of Advancing Integrity, will discuss Election Integrity in Texas. She has been passionately involved since 2015, when she helped uncover what was the largest ballot harvesting scheme ever reported in Texas. Her work has exposed fraud, corruption, and mismanagement in 9 counties across Texas.
While she remains a leading subject matter expert in exposing mail-in ballot harvesting, Christine Welborn is also equipped to advocate for accuracy, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of our elections. She will share solutions that can be enacted in this 89th State Legislative Session.
Working together, we can ensure safe, secure, and accurate elections in Texas.
Please join us for a social from 6:00pm to 6:30pm, saluting our elected officials.
Republican Headquarters will open at 9:00 am Monday (Inauguration Day) January 20 to watch livestream the inauguration ceremony of the 45^th and 47^th President of the United States – Donald J. Trump.
Bruce C. Carter, business consultant and political strategist, has established the East Texas “Trump Store” at 1398 West Seventh Avenue, Corsicana TX (located between Auto Zone and Church’s Chicken, at the corner of South 23rd Street). They sell Trump hats, T-shirts, jewelry, flags, yard signs, etc.
Bruce C. Carter, formerly a Bernie Sanders supporter, had a change of heart after he traveled to urban communities and saw the poverty in Democrat controlled areas of the country. He is reaching out to black male voters in big cities, seeking to convince first-time voters, working families, and others to vote Republican in November.
Proceeds from the Trump Store fund his ministry “Black Males Winning (BMW)”, an initiative to empower black males between ages 12 and 26, to combat issues like senseless killings, street gangs, absent fathers, and generations of hopelessness. Carter helps them rise above their circumstances and own their own business
Visit and
IRepublican Party of Navarro County operations account pays for our Republican Headquarters in West Third Avenue. As Republicans, we must pay our own way. It is the other party that has free stuff. We have several contributor levels:
* Roosevelt = $ 100
* Coolidge = $ 250
* Eisenhower = $ 500
* Lincoln = $ 1000
* Reagan = $ 5000
You would receive a lapel pin, recognizing your contribution.
The Republican Headquarters is a valuable resource to the local party, as well as the Navarro County Republican Women’s club. Volunteers have been recruited, because they either called the Headquarters or came in person. Our candidates had a visible and accessible place to file for office.
Donations can be received on the website.
Please keep the RPNC strong in 2024.
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|Republican Party of Navarro County
P.O. Box 1272
Corsicana Texas 75151
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