Help keep up the fight for fair and free elections in North Carolina and nationwide.
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NC Supreme Court blocks state from certifying Riggs as the winner in high court election - The News&Observer

Breaking news, John — the North Carolina Supreme Court’s GOP supermajority just baselessly blocked certification of the state supreme court election where Democratic incumbent Allison Riggs defeated Republican Jefferson Griffin.

Let’s call this what it is: A partisan, anti-democratic power grab.

Republicans are trying to nullify an election just because North Carolina voters didn’t vote their way. It’s an all-out assault on democracy — not only undermining the future of free and fair elections, but also the trust of the voters in the state.

If Republicans succeed at overturning the will of the people, they’ll use this playbook all over the country. Help keep up the fight for fair and free elections in North Carolina and nationwide.


Justice Anita Earls — the only other Democrat on the Court — dissented from the decision, writing that:

“[T]he public interest requires that the court not interfere with the ordinary course of democratic processes as set by statute and the state constitution.”

She’s right, John. The people have spoken, yet Republican Jefferson Griffin refuses to concede. Instead, he’s tried to undo his loss by:

  • Calling for a recount, which only confirmed Justice Riggs’ victory
  • Challenging over 60,000 votes — which the North Carolina State Board of Elections rejected on the merits
  • Skipping Wake County Superior Court and filing an extraordinary request with the North Carolina Supreme Court to order the North Carolina State Board of Elections to throw out the previously okay-ed votes
  • Asking the North Carolina Supreme Court to block certification of Justice Riggs’s victory until they rule on his request to throw out 60,000+ votes

Democracy is on the line in North Carolina — and we need you with us. Rush a $30 donation now to protect our democracy and help elect fair maps champions like Justice Allison Riggs.

Thanks so much — we’ll keep you updated on this one.