“A good rule for politicians still shackled with all 10 fingers is to trust Senator Tester’s instincts on everything but haircuts.
The New York Times


Jon’s not like most politicians. He lost three fingers on his left hand as a kid while working on his family’s farm. He brings his own Montana beef to Washington. And yes — he proudly gets a $12 haircut from his barber back home.

Oh, and he was one of only two Democrats to win re-election in a red state. Trump even carried Montana by over 20 points back in 2016.

Want to know the secret?

Jon focused on everybody in Montana. He talked to the folks who agreed with him and the folks who didn’t. He refused to give in to the partisan BS. He was just Jon — a lifelong dirt farmer with stains on every t-shirt.

Now, he’s doing whatever it takes to help other Democrats do the same. And with Republican groups dumping over $67 million into battleground states across the country, Democrats will need Jon’s experience to overcome the attacks and win.

Donate $10 (or more!) now to help Jon elect Democrats in tough races so we can take back the Senate this November. We have a really good shot at flipping the four seats we need to take back the majority, but we can’t do it without you.

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Thanks for anything you’re able to pitch in. Jon couldn’t have won his race in 2018 without your support. And we’re counting on you once again.

— Team Tester