Yesterday, the Pacific Justice Institute filed suit in federal court against California Governor Gavin Newsom. Newsom has denied our clients, two pastors in Calaveras County, the same rights he has granted to abortion mills, for example, by denying the pastors the ability to reopen their churches.
Stand with us financially as we take the fight directly to Newsom!
This California lawsuit follows on the heels of a lawsuit PJI filed against Oregon Governor Kate Brown, who has illegally declared a state of emergency, in clear violation of her state’s constitutional mandate.
If our plaintiffs in Oregon and California were to hire a private law firm to protect them against this clear governmental overreach, it could cost in excess of $500,000; but PJI is representing them for free.
But we all know freedom, including protecting religious freedom, isn’t free. Will you help us today fight for people of faith by making a special donation to PJI?
Click here to donate.
Our goal is to raise the $500,000 it would cost our plaintiffs to hire a private law firm to represent them.
In both instances, these Governors have unfairly singled out people of faith by not allowing them the same rights afforded to other, subjectively chosen organizations and industries that are sympathetic to their political left-wing ideology.
These lawsuits represent a watershed moment in PJIs history as we continue to protect individual Americans’ religious freedoms and we are answering the call and making our stand here and now. Will you partner with us through a special one-time gift or by becoming a monthly partner?
And finally, your special gift today to PJI ensures the very best in stewardship. Compared to other Christian nonprofit legal defense organizations, PJI puts nearly double the percentage of every donation toward the mission of the legal defense of religious freedoms.

Thank you for your partnership and please keep us in prayer.
Running the Race,
Brad Dacus
Founder & President
P.S. We applaud President Trump's announcement today that the CDC has deemed churches as "essential" and his support as he implored state governors to allow churches to open "right now", but both these cases are still active.