From Debbie Allen <>
Subject There are atheists in foxholes
Date May 22, 2020 10:57 PM
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Meet our member organization, Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers.

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On Memorial Day, we will honor those in the military who made the ultimate sacrifice. We also remember that, contrary to the adage “there are no atheists in foxholes,” there are indeed atheists and nonbelievers in the military.

But, they serve in a military that promotes religion over non-religion, and they fight for our freedoms without religious freedom of their own.

Each month, the SCA highlights one of our member organizations so you can have a better understanding the many organizations that represent, support, and advocate for the secular community.

This month, we are proud to present the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF).
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MAAF, an SCA member since 2007, builds community for atheists and humanists in the military by connecting military members from around the world with each other and with local organizations.

In addition to their community services, they take action to educate and train both the military and civilian community about atheism in the military and the issues that face atheists.

Where necessary, MAAF identifies, examines, and responds to insensitive practices that illegally promote religion over non-religion within the military, or that discriminate against minority religions, differing beliefs, or nonbelief.

“In the US, the military has political and cultural power unrivaled by almost any other demographic, including through the massive DoD and VA budgets, their Congressional committees, and the VFW, Legion, and other military lobbies,” said Jason Torpy, MAAF President, remarking on the importance of MAAF’s membership in SCA. “There are atheists in foxholes, and MAAF helps SCA to communicate that to DC as a way to change policy and culture for the benefit of our members.”

Torpy also stresses the importance of MAAF’s work in today’s political environment, noting that military personnel are unable to speak out because of the lack of political protection in a presidential administration so friendly to Christian Nationalists. He stresses, “MAAF continues to be available for direct assistance to military personnel and looks forward to opportunities to improve the political, legal, and cultural landscape in favor of atheists in foxholes.”

Visit MAAF’s website ([link removed][UNIQID]) to learn more about their work, or help support their efforts ([link removed][UNIQID]) through a donation.

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