Laken Riley Act Hits the Floor!Help Us Pass this Bill and Lead the Way to Arrest and Deportations of Criminal Aliens
Today is the day! After months of tireless advocacy, lobbying, and rallying support, the Laken Riley Act is finally up for a vote in Congress. Last year, despite our efforts, the Senate was the graveyard for this crucial legislation. But we've turned the tide; with control of the House and the Senate, there's no excuse for this bill to languish. Today, we must ensure that this vital piece of legislation flies through both chambers and lands squarely on the President's desk, ready to be signed into law. Let's give this bill the momentum it deserves and honor Laken Riley's memory by turning our collective hard work into real, impactful change.
The Laken Riley Act: A Bold Stand for State Power in the Face of Federal Immigration FailuresIn a resounding call for justice and the protection of American lives, Representative Mike Collins of Georgia has introduced the Laken Riley Act, a federal bill that seeks to empower states in the fight against federal immigration laws, particularly concerning ‘migrant crime’. The urgency behind this legislation stems from the tragic death of nursing student Laken Riley, whose life was brutally taken by Jose Ibarra, a migrant who entered the U.S. illegally.
The tragedy that befell her, a promising young woman robbed of the chance to fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a nurse serves as a heartbreaking testament to the dire consequences of open borders and sanctuary city policies. Laken, a beacon of hope and faith, a fierce long-distance runner with dreams that reached far into the future, now lies at rest, her aspirations cruelly cut short in 2024. “When the world loses someone like Laken, whose light consistently shined so bright, it seems that much darker in their absence,” stated her church’s lead pastor, Samer Massad. “Laken was special. She was a gift to anyone who knew her. Smart, kind, compassionate, and thoughtful don’t even begin to scratch the surface. She was a loving daughter, sister, and friend. She had a gift for making anyone she was around feel comfortable and seen.”
The Real Story Behind the Tragic UGA Murder. Venezuela’s Murder Rate 14x Higher than the US! Rep. Collins, who represents the district where Riley was killed, passionately asserts that the Biden administration's failure to secure the U.S. southern border directly contributed to the murder of Laken Riley. The bill is now in a Committee Hearing that began March 5th. “These people are committing crimes across this country, and they’re doing it in sanctuary cities,” Collins declared. “And they’re just bouncing from one sanctuary city to the other because all they get is a little slap on the wrist.” The bill seeks to ensure that migrants charged with crimes such as theft or burglary can be detained promptly and grants local officials more power to resist the Department of Homeland Security and hold federal agencies accountable. Notably, it allows states to sue agencies like DHS if they fail to fulfill their responsibilities. Collins emphasizes that the Laken Riley Act is not just a response to a tragic incident; it's a necessary step to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Drawing attention to Ibarra's release in New York despite previous charges, Collins contends that, under his proposed legislation, migrants like Ibarra could be held accountable and detained for the safety of American communities. The legislation, if passed, would provide states with the means to bypass sanctuary city roadblocks, creating a stronger, more unified approach to addressing the failures in the immigration system. Collins emphasizes that this legislation is a necessary response to an unacceptable failure that has left families, like Riley’s, devastated and communities in mourning. Never Again! Take 1 Minute to Support the Laken Riley Act Today!Join the Movement! Most Policy Changes Start Locally and Through Digital Communities. Now recruiting chapter leaders in every city and we are anxiously waiting to hear from you! “The time for talking has ended, the time to act is now”, -George Washington. SPECIAL SPRING PROMOTION: For the price of a $5 cup of coffee a month, you can help us stop the Marxist march into oblivion! Free Autographed Copy of NY Times Best Seller “Because They Hate” with your annual subscription while supplies last. |