Happy New Year! ✨
Just like that, we’re a quarter of the way through the 21st century. And we’re closer than ever to the dream we share: A world where every animal can live free from abuse.
People like you are proving that this vision is more than a dream. It’s our future. Your support is helping to change the lives of millions of chickens, cows, and pigs—and to fuel a movement that’s changing the trajectory of history.
We’ve come so far for animals. And we still have so much further to go. 2025 will be one of the most critical years yet. With hundreds of cage-free commitments coming due, this is our moment to send an unequivocal message to corporations: that they will be held accountable for animal cruelty.
I hope we can count on you to keep fighting with us in the year ahead. Your support matters more than you know.
Thank you for dreaming of a kinder world, and for daring to create it.

Vicky Bond
President |