I am beyond excited to share with you that in 2025, Sheridan.Church will be getting an outside facelift along with the installation of an outdoor basketball/pickle-ball court targeting the next generation!
With your help previously, we have taken a former night-club and transformed it into a beautiful church on the inside.
Now it's time to tackle the outside.
Phase 1 of this project (outside facelift + basketball/pickle-ball court) will cost the church around $250,000.
We do things on a cash basis at Sheridan and I need your help.
Please consider partnering with us in 2025 with a gift of $25, $250, $2500 or more.
This message is going out to thousands of believers and if everybody will do something in 2025, we can accomplish this phase of transforming a former tavern into a tabernacle.
Take a look at the pictures below! Phase 2 is the addition of an upper deck of seating to our main auditorium.
You can give by visiting https://sheridan.church/give
Thank you in advance!
Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer