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Dear Friend,

We're shedding light on bills HCR29, HB178, HB179, and HB241 because they could help provide a fresh start for our veterans, those with disabilities, and others entering re-entry programs that allow for a successful transition back into our community.

Can you make a contribution now to help us continue to highlight important legislation like this?

Here's some more information on these bills:

Creates the Clean Slate Task Force, which will analyze Louisiana criminal record data with the goal of implementing an automatic record-clearing system.

Supports the practice of judges who currently use alternatives to incarceration by extending eligibility for expungements, especially in cases where defendants are in recovery treatment programs.

Provides an opportunity for people with disabilities, veterans who may suffer from PTSD and cannot work, family members or caretakers of disabled veterans who cannot work, and retired people to benefit from expungement by eliminating the current requirement for ten years of employment documentation for six specific convictions.

Allows individuals who are ALREADY eligible for multiple expungements to achieve re-entry success sooner by eliminating secondary waiting periods. 


Thank you and stay safe!
Team Action New Orleans
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