This law could save millions from slaughter...


Millions of donkeys are being  stolen, brutally slaughtered, and skinned so their hides can be used to make a gelatin for beauty products. 

Tell US legislators to ban the sale and trade of donkey-hide gelatin now by passing the Ejiao Act.

Take Action!

 Sign the petition 


Every year, around 5 million donkeys are inhumanely slaughtered to produce ejiao — a gelatin used in cosmetic products and supplements.

Some donkeys are skinned alive. Those that die being transported are often skinned on the spot, their remains discarded by the side of the road. If they survive the journey, the donkeys are bludgeoned to death on arrival.

But we have the power to change this with the Ejiao Act. 

If passed, this groundbreaking law would ban the sale and trade of ejiao in the United States, which is the third-largest importer of products containing donkey-hide gelatin.

Sign the petition demanding that the US Congress pass the Ejiao Act now.

Donkeys are beloved, hardworking animals that provide essential services in communities around the world. In parts of Africa and Asia, they are used to transport goods, fetch water, and help with farming. But now donkeys are being stolen to meet the global demand for ejiao. And families are devastated as a result.

It’s time for the US to do its part to protect donkeys and the families that depend on them for survival. The Ejiao Act was introduced in Congress last October, but has since stalled. We can’t wait any longer for US legislators to pass this bill when over 15,000 donkeys are killed every day in the brutal ejiao trade.

Act now to stop ejiao sales in the US.

In October, we hand-delivered over 300,000 petition signatures to Amazon demanding that the company ban ejiao sales on its platform. And while the execs are definitely paying attention, we’ve been told that getting the Ejiao Act passed in the US will go a long way in convincing Amazon to ban sales worldwide. So let’s show both US legislators and Amazon execs that we won’t rest until the Ejiao Act gets passed.

 Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Deborah, Nabil and the team at Ekō

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