Jon Stewart is more than a guy on primetime TV comedically criticizing crony politicians and bad policies.
He has also spent years fighting for first responders, veterans, and everyday Americans. From holding Congress accountable for 9/11 healthcare to pushing for justice for veterans exposed to toxic substances, he’s proven he’s not afraid to take on the tough fights.
But now, a new question is buzzing: Should Jon Stewart run for office?
Imagine a leader like Jon—fearless, principled, and unrelenting in the pursuit of justice—taking his fight to the halls of power and unafraid to call out MAGA Republicans' BS! Could this be the change our democracy desperately needs?
We’re launching this poll to hear directly from you:
Should Jon Stewart run for office?
Your voice matters in shaping the future of our movement. We need leaders who will stand up to Donald Trump and his extremist GOP allies, defend our democracy, and fight for the issues that matter most. That being said, we want to know if you think Jon Stewart is the right person for the job.
Take just 30 seconds to make your opinion heard before midnight tonight.
Thank you for your input.
– Defeat Republicans
Defeat Republicans |
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