Support Immigrant Families Impacted by the Public Charge Rule

This week, the President announced an expansion of the public charge rule, which places devastating restrictions on legal immigration. Immigrants who use services that allow them to put food on the table or access healthcare for their families may now be denied the opportunity to build a life in the US. 

Thousands of immigrants in our communities will be penalized and left vulnerable to deportation if they do not apply for permanent residency before the expanded rule takes effect on October 15th. 

The IIIC is mobilizing to help as many families as possible submit their applications before the deadline, and we are launching an emergency appeal for the $30,000 needed to provide legal representation to those impacted.

Many of our friends ask me what concrete steps they can take to help immigrants in the current climate- this appeal is an opportunity to provide critical, time-sensitive support to local families. Please consider a gift, and share the opportunity with your friends, family members, and colleagues. 

Public charge legislation can be traced back to 1882, when the US sought to exclude poor Irish Catholics and Chinese laborers, and today, we see the same discriminatory rhetoric being deployed against immigrants from Central America. See this article for more on the continued relevance of this history.

Together, we can and must continue working to build a welcoming society that offers the safety and opportunity that should be afforded to all. Poet Clare Shaw said in a recent interview, "Hope is a banner raised..." Join us today in raising that banner for our immigrant neighbors. 

Thank you for all your support.

The Irish International Immigrant Center is working toward a society in which all are welcomed and valued and enjoy equal opportunities and protections. The IIIC is a highly respected multi-service welcome center for immigrant and refugee families from around the globe. We assist newcomers as they integrate into American society by providing legal, wellness, and education services, working for systemic change, and facilitating cross-cultural community building and inclusion. | 617.542.7654
1 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, United States
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