This Week on LGBTQ Nation

Donald Trump picks anti-LGBTQ+ Fox host to replace Pete Buttigieg

Donald Trump picks anti-LGBTQ+ Fox host to replace Pete Buttigieg

Outraged Republicans blame Tim Walz for satanic display at state Capitol

Outraged Republicans blame Tim Walz for satanic display at state Capitol

Eight LA cops fired after massive cover-up of police beating of trans man

Eight LA cops fired after massive cover-up of police beating of trans man

Seven NCAA volleyball players apply to transfer after ugly controversy over their trans teammate

Seven NCAA volleyball players apply to transfer after ugly controversy over their trans teammate

Legendary drag king Murray Hill will host first-ever drag king reality competition show

Legendary drag king Murray Hill will host first-ever drag king reality competition show

Parents looking for an alternative to Christian instruction settle on Satan

Parents looking for an alternative to Christian instruction settle on Satan

Two gay men beaten by 11 teens in disturbing “post & boast” attacks

Two gay men beaten by 11 teens in disturbing “post & boast” attacks

The surprisingly queer story behind Glinda the Good Witch

The surprisingly queer story behind Glinda the Good Witch

House Republicans reveal their top legislative priority: Attacking transgender rights

House Republicans reveal their top legislative priority: Attacking transgender rights

Gay man stabbed to death in gruesome Christmas Eve slaying

Gay man stabbed to death in gruesome Christmas Eve slaying

Queer people fighting back on New Year’s made San Francisco the gay capital of America

Queer people fighting back on New Year’s made San Francisco the gay capital of America

A century before “Kill the Gays,” Uganda had a queer king: Mwanga II

A century before “Kill the Gays,” Uganda had a queer king: Mwanga II

Drag is under attack. Drag University is going to help lift up young artists.

Drag is under attack. Drag University is going to help lift up young artists.

“Girl dad” freaks out over “disgusting” elective class discussion about gay people

“Girl dad” freaks out over “disgusting” elective class discussion about gay people

Man tragically shot to death on New Year’s while holding his boyfriend

Man tragically shot to death on New Year’s while holding his boyfriend

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