I wanted to give you an update on the latest developments regarding the House Speaker election that took place yesterday.
As you know, after President Trump’s overwhelming victory in November, there has been some debate among House Republicans about how we can best ensure that Congress is ready to deliver on the America-First agenda. This conversation has included discussions about both personnel and the processes at work within the House.
What we know is that the status quo has not been effective at delivering results for the American people. The last several months have been especially emblematic of this problem. While addressing the needed structural reforms is important, we also had to balance the need to certify President Trump’s election on Monday, as well as begin advancing the legislation we need to accomplish this year.
On the first round of voting, I was one of nine members who initially withheld my vote for Speaker Johnson. I later agreed to support him after securing negotiations on how we expect leadership to proceed when President Trump takes office. While more work remains to flesh out these reforms, I am pleased to have buy-in on reforms that include structuring a Congress that will be member-driven, as well as agreements to limit the use of suspensions of House Rules — a process through which much of the growth of government occurs.
These reforms are vital to ensuring that we are empowered to deliver on President Trump’s America-First agenda.
I’m glad we were able to get the 119th Congress moving in the right direction yesterday, even as we look forward to President Trump taking office and ending the national nightmare that has been the Biden Administration. As I have often said, winning the election is the starting line, not the finish line. We have challenging and important work ahead to save this nation we love.
Please keep President Trump, Speaker Johnson, myself, and the rest of Congress in your prayers as we give our best effort to restore and heal our nation.





God Bless,


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Rep. Michael Cloud

Member of Congress




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