This race is one of our best chances to send a powerful message about the strength of the progressive movement.

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Friends -

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a $3 contribution to re-elect Ed Markey. Here’s why your contribution and this fight are so important:

This race is one of our best chances to send a powerful message about the strength of the progressive movement. Winning this race will make it clear that working people across this country are behind our bold progressive ideas.

Recently Joe Kennedy went on the attack — trying to claim that Ed was not a strong leader in the Senate and questioned his judgment.

Let’s make no mistake here: Ed Markey is the undisputed progressive choice in this race.

If you’re all-in for Ed and our movement, rush a $3 donation to our campaign today to help us continue growing our grassroots movement.

Ed has been at the forefront of the fights that define our time and has a record of real results to back it up. Here are some facts that Joe Kennedy seems to be missing:

Ed and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez co-wrote the Green New Deal and forever changed the climate debate — climate action is now a defining issue of this moment and for the next generation.

He was an original co-sponsor of Bernie’s 2017 transformative Medicare for All bill — legislation that would make sure no one in this country dies because they cannot afford treatment.

He’s led the fight for nuclear non-proliferation to keep us and the rest of the world safer. And he has the backing of Peace Action and Council for a Liveable World.

He’s taken on the NRA and won — passing gun safety laws despite a Republican Senate majority and White House as recently as December.

He’s been at the forefront of the fight for net neutrality and online privacy. And in December, an overwhelming majority of Congress voted to pass his bill to put a stop to spam robocalls.

That’s just a small sample of all Ed has done for us. When it comes to fighting for working families and getting results, Ed is the leader we need. That’s why Senator Warren and AOC are backing him in this race. It’s why Ed won 70% of the delegates in local caucuses across the state.

But Joe Kennedy is on the attack. He is going to try to drown us out with his money. He outraised us last quarter, and now we need to make sure he cannot buy this seat.

Please consider making a $3 donation right now to help us close the gap with Kennedy’s money, grow our digital organizing operation, and win this race.

There’s a lot at stake for our progressive movement in this race. But if we are in this together every step of the way, then we are going to win.

- John Walsh
Campaign manager


At a time when so many are facing hardship and uncertainty, we understand if you cannot afford to donate right now. We are just grateful to be in this fight with you. Senator Markey and all of us on Team Markey are here for you — fighting for you. We will get through this together.

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112

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