Dear Friend,
For the January Operation Storm
Heaven Holy Mass, that was live from Cardinal Burke’s private chapel
in Rome, His Eminence began by chanting the Veni Creator Spiritus, a
prayer invoking the Holy Ghost. When this is recited publicly on New
Year’s Day, one may obtain a plenary indulgence.
During the homily, His Eminence
spoke about the Incarnation of Our Lord, Jesus Christ; the great
mystery of God uniting our human nature to His divine nature in order
that He might save us from our sins, in order that He might win for us
the gifts of divine grace, so that we can live, in Him and grow in Him
and one day be with Him forever, the eternal destiny, which is ours,
the kingdom of heaven.
Cardinal Burke stated that we are
children of God, that for us, our way of life is a life in Christ. We
must overcome the many temptations which the world presents. We must
know that in our own lives that the grace of Christ is at work in our
hearts through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our hearts. We
can overcome a godless way of life, a lack of piety, the lack of
respect for God and His Commandments. Then, His Eminence explained how
it is possible through the protection of the Divine Mother of
More highlights from the homily:
His Eminence spoke about New Year’s
resolutions. He asked for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our
hearts to strengthen us, so that we will live those resolutions to
become more Christlike, for the salvation of our own souls and to
bring many souls to Christ.
Cardinal Burke called upon all Rosary Warriors to renew
their dedication today to STORM HEAVEN with the powerful prayer of the
most Holy Rosary, for so many graces that are needed to overcome the
evil in the world and the evil, which has crept also into the
here to view the Holy Mass and Rosary. The homily begins at
After the Holy Mass, His Eminence
led us in the recitation of the most Holy Rosary.
In this New Year and especially on
this First Friday, may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be your refuge.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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