Also, Amazon is profiting from child sexual abuse grooming books.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Child sex abuse grooming on Amazon, ICOSE at Cambridge Union, and more!
ICOSE and Allies Win Pornography Debate at Cambridge Union Society ([link removed])
The movement to end sexual exploitation marches ever on, as the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation’s (ICOSE) Haley McNamara — along with journalist and activist Jo Bartosch and the spokesperson for FiliA, a UK-based feminist organisation, Raquel Rosario Sánchez — won a public debate about the harms of pornography while speaking before the prestigious Cambridge Union Society.
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Amazon Selling "Humor" Books That Can Be Used for Grooming Children for Sexual Abuse ([link removed])
While these books are technically being marketed for adults, there is a danger that because of their deceptive appearance as a light and fun children’s book, they might appear in the children’s book section.
Worse still, books like these are used groom children for child sexual abuse.
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The National Center on Sexual Exploitation relies on our Defenders to plan sustainable attacks on the culture of sexploitation we are all mired in. Defenders are powerful champions of human dignity. Will you join? Will you defend?
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Combating Demand is Crucial for Protecting Victims of Prostitution ([link removed])
Rather than prioritizing the arrest of individuals who are being prostituted, law enforcement entities must shift efforts toward combating demand for commercial sex by focusing on sex buyers.
Victims of sex trafficking and prostitution need care, not punishment.
Those who demand paid sex are the ones who must be stopped and law enforcement has the power to change this tide. Perceiving a risk of arrest and the consequences that it will entail can go a long ways toward deterring potential sex buyers and will alter and disrupt the “normal” activities of repeat sex buyers.
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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