Solutions, not Rhetoric;
Forward, not Center
In his recent appearance on the ‘Weekly Show’ podcast with
Jon Stewart, senator Bernie Sanders said, “What does democracy mean? .
. . It means that the government is supposed to represent me. I feel
good about it. I have people there who know what I'm dealing with and
are passing legislation that improves my life. Do you think most
people in America believe that's the case now? They don't. They
The question is: how can this be changed? And what is the
role of the Forward Party in that effort?
If there’s one lesson we can clearly take from the last few
years, it’s that partisan rhetoric is a much better tool for
fundraising than for problem-solving. The major parties maneuver
against each other, tugging power back and forth while the American
people are stuck in the middle. But, after a 2024 election in which
voters split for Trump or Harris in surprising ways, what is “the
middle” now? And is that even the right question to ask?
The antidote to partisan extremes isn’t to find the exact
middle. That’s why it’s not quite right to call the Forward Party a
“centrist party” (even though it’s often described that way). Instead,
the Forward Party is about finding a solution that works, regardless
of where it lies on the spectrum between Republican talking points and
Democrat talking points. According to Stephanie Lepp (from ‘Faces of
X’), it’s unlikely that the right solution to any policy problem is
exactly in the center. Instead, “what's most likely is that most of us
are partially right, and some of us are more right than others...
which doesn't make for a great tagline, but that's what's up when
you're contending with the full complexity of reality.”
The Forward Party mission is to find and support candidates
who uphold the ideal of “solutions, not rhetoric.” Those politicians
don’t always find success in our current political landscape, which
rewards party loyalty more than it rewards solving problems for
constituents. There is a desperate need for an organization that can
support good candidates without demanding their strict loyalty to a
set of party talking points. That’s what the Forward Party can be,
with your help. “Not Left. Not Right.” (And not “Center” either.) Just
our 2025 Efforts
Please consider joining our monthly donors to help us build for the
future. Small amounts of money from more people makes us a more
sustainable party.
With PA Forward Party, every donor is a
Join us January 20th at 8pm
for our Monthly Statewide call. You'll have things you want to talk
about, We will too!

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