Sex-Ed Sit Out Townhall Exposes Radical Sex-Ed Agenda in Texas

Texas Values along with the Stand Up For Children – ATX coalition, hosted a Virtual Sex-Ed Sit Out Townhall this week in place of the previously planned Austin ISD Sex-Ed Sit Out. You may have heard the big news that Austin ISD announced the canceling of their radical sex education curriculum that was scheduled to be taught this month. However, Pro-LGBT and Pro-Abortion advocates continue to push radical sex education in Austin and across Texas.

The townhall included members of the Texas Values team, Carly Ayala from Concerned Parents of Texas, Austin parent Jennifer Kratky, Pastor Hanoi Avila, and Monica Cline, a former Planned Parenthood sex educator and founder of It Takes A Family. We encourage you to watch and share the educational townhall that will equip you with the truth about the radical sex education curriculum passed by Austin ISD and the plans to spread similar curriculum across the state.



Texas Values Action Announces Updated July 14 Runoff Endorsements

Texas Values Action is proud to share its endorsements for the 2020 Republican Primary Runoff Election in Texas. Due to the response to COVID-19, Gov. Greg Abbott has delayed the runoffs, originally scheduled for May 26th, to July 14th with early voting beginning June 29th.

We are proud to endorse candidates who will fight for the values that Texans believe in. The current COVID-19 pandemic has only reinforced the importance of electing leaders from the Texas Capitol all the way to Washington D.C. who will ensure religious freedom flourishes, families prosper, and every unborn child is valued.

CD 16: Irene Armendariz-Jackson
CD 22: Kathaleen Wall
CD 23: Raul Reyes

Texas House
HD 45: Carrie Isaac
HD 47: Jennifer Fleck
HD 59: Shelby Slawson
HD 60: Jon Francis

State Board of Education
District 5: Lani Popp

431st District Court Judge: Jim Johnson
Texas Second Court of Appeals, Place 7: Brian Walker



2020 Policy Forum is Sept. 18-19

SAVE THE DATE! We are excited to announce that Texas Values’ 3rd-annual policy forum will be September 18-19, 2020 at Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin. At the 2020 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum you will hear from leaders from across the state and nation as they discuss family values in public policy - including life, marriage, religious freedom, and human sexuality. Stay tuned for an exciting speaker and early bird ticket announcement next week!

Monica Cline Joins Program

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, Monica Cline, former Planned Parenthood sex educator and founder of It Takes A Family, joined host Jonathan Saenz to discuss the dangers of the “comprehensive” sex education agenda being pushed by abortion advocates. Monica was also a featured panelist in the Sex-Ed Sit Out Townhall this week. Click here to watch the show.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220