Chris CoonsJoin us.
We'll get to it, John --

We need your help to send a message to Mitch McConnell. Even during a global pandemic, Senate Republicans, led by McConnell, are still prioritizing confirming partisan judges over everything else.

Earlier this week, instead of working to pass more needed relief for our communities, Senate Republicans spent the day working to push Judge Cory Wilson -- a man who called the Affordable Care Act "illegitimate," "perverse," and "freedom-infringing" -- to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Cory Wilson is yet another extreme, right-wing, judicial nominee put forward by President Trump, and he has a long history of inflammatory attacks on President Obama, Secretary Clinton, voting rights, reproductive rights, and more.

At Wilson's confirmation hearing, Chris asked tough questions about Judge Wilson's extreme partisanship, his temperament, and his ability to rule fairly. Wilson spent most of his time avoiding Chris' questions and gave no reason to think he would be an impartial judge.

Even with tens of thousands of Americans dying and our communities facing historic economic hardship, President Trump and Senate Republicans believe putting judges like Cory Wilson onto our nation's highest courts is more important than passing critical relief packages.

Sign our petition now to tell Mitch McConnell to stop forcing partisan nominees onto the federal bench and focus instead on passing COVID-19 relief packages.

Thank you,

Team Coons


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