
This morning, as we continue to work on COVID 19 response with a Town Hall question and answer in just a few minutes at 1230: I write to respectfully ask for your votes for School Board for David Priddy and Cristina Diaz-Torres.

A video of both debating the other candidates is immediately below, so you can research and make your own decision. Further down, after the chalkboard with a link to the video, I share my reasons why I respectfully and strongly support David and Cristina. Their websites are and
Click on this image to go to the Blue Virginia Video of the School Board Forum
Why do you care so much, Matt?  This is an absolutely critical election for one of the five reasons I ran to serve you--building the schools we need to build to educate every child well. All of the five candidates are good people. David and Cristina are my choices because I believe they are the two leaders who will give us the best opportunity to realize that goal of serving all students well--educational equity and excellence for all Arlington students. 
Click here and scroll down to see a Q & A from the candidates and their websites. 
Our schools are the heart of Arlington, so I ask you to make Cristina and David or David and Cristina your top two choices, in whichever order you feel best. If not, however, I ask that you consider them for your third choice, since I think this vote will be very close and so much is at stake. 
Your Ballot Must be Received by May 30th!!! (Click for Directions)
David Priddy is dedicated, collaborative, and committed to equity, the three main qualities I look for in a School Board Member. He also has relevant experience serving Arlington Public Schools as a member of two critical committees, the Advisory Committee on Instruction and the Superintendent’s Committee on Equity and Excellence. And he serves on the County Council of Parent Teacher Associations in a thoughtful way that I have observed personally that considers the instructional and capacity needs of all students across the County.  
David Priddy
David's ideas and commitment, along with his experience, will help him hit the ground running and serve our community as a whole well. He is a parent of two current APS students and an APS graduate himself; he knows the challenges facing our school system and how to make sure our schools serve all students well. Please join me in voting for David Priddy by returning your ballot before May 30th
Cristina Diaz Torres
Cristina Diaz Torres will be an excellent school board member. I have worked with her closely on our campaign and I have seen her work ethic and educational ideals on the APS Budget Advisory Commission. Her experience is rooted in teaching in Las Vegas where her students needed high school math skills and came to a classroom that initially did not have enough desks.  I have also worked with her in my time as an education policy advocate for Native American students and respect her ideals. She has relevant experience to do the job well for the ideals we share and she has the support of the Arlington Education Association.
Vote over the coming week by Mailing in Your Ballot--Click here for Another Debate
Cristina's experience also includes work with school districts across the country to improve student outcomes with evidence-based systems and policies. Cristina also is rooted in Arlington with experience serving on the Joint Facilities Advisory Commission (JFAC) and has been endorsed by the Arlington Education Association

Remember to Return your Ballot So it will be
Received by May 30th
Our schools are in transition and must and will need to evolve and change to serve all students better. Cristina and David will know when to ask hard questions, make changes, build consensus, and will know how to govern in the ways that improve our schools. 

So, I ask you to be sure to vote in time to get your ballot in by May 30th, thank you for your consideration. 



PS. Email me if you have questions about this decision. 
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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