Hi John
You’re at a turning point with a federal election coming and the Annual Survey is your chance to tell us where to go.
You’re like our compass. With an election in the air, politicians are spinning in circles and the media’s twisting everything. Your survey answers keep us on the straight and narrow.
You can automatically start the Annual Survey just by clicking your answer to the first question. (It’s an easy one).
1. Is Canada going in the right direction or wrong direction? Please click your answer to automatically start the survey.Your federal director, Franco Terrazzano, and the rest of the team are already looking at the early results of the Annual Survey, but you still have time to fill out yours.
This is your chance to have your say on the Annual Survey: https://survey.taxpayer.com/zs/rTD7xI
This is it: Canada’s in an election year. And you’re making a bigger difference than ever by standing with thousands of other taxpayers.
Have a good one,
Todd MacKay
Vice-President of Communications
PS: Honestly, it feels good to get your opinions off your chest and the Annual Survey is a great way to do it, here’s the website: https://survey.taxpayer.com/zs/rTD7xI