Bry Shirin | Digital Content Specialist
Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were restful and you got to spend them with people you love. We’ve got a lot of great content coming at you this year and we are especially excited for some of our upcoming podcast guests! I won’t ruin the surprise, but we are going to have some pretty great people on the show this year, so stay tuned.
In true New Year’s fashion, have you set goals yet? I haven’t. I’ve been really encouraged by Chelsey’s blog post this week: “New Year, New You!” I really love the idea of January being a month of celebration as well as the idea of specifically praying for the year ahead. We can only do great things with the Lord’s help, so my goal for this year is to rely more heavily on God in prayer. Whatever my “goals” turn out to be, I hope to constantly be in communication with God, asking him, “What do you require of me?” and “How can I act on that?” just like Chelsey suggested. I hope you guys find encouragement in doing the same. 💕 |