A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
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Fund Connection

A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
May 22, 2020
New Data Indicate Rebound in Office Visits During the Pandemic

Researchers at Harvard University and the health care technology company Phreesia have updated their real-time snapshot of visits to ambulatory care practices, noting that they have rebounded since early April, after dropping 60 percent early in the coronavirus pandemic. On To the Point, the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, M.D., and Tanya Shah tell us what the new findings mean for U.S. health care.
Previously we found that visits to outpatient practices had declined by nearly 60% into early-April. Our new report is an update and looks at visit patterns into mid-May. Some surprising findings.

@Commonwealthfnd https://twitter.com/Ateevm/status/1263061546198056960
Contact Tracing: How to Protect Both Public Health and Individual Privacy

In an essay for STAT, the Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal, M.D., and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) highlight unresolved privacy concerns that need addressing before contact tracing can be widely deployed as states reopen. Find out what they say needs to be done to balance the imperatives of public safety and protecting civil liberties.

What Will the Pandemic Do to Our Health Care System?

In an interview with Denver Frederick, host of the Business of Giving, David Blumenthal, M.D., talks about the impact the coronavirus pandemic is having and will have on U.S. health care. Hear what he has to say about the nation’s lack of preparedness, how COVID-19 is affecting communities of color, and what parts of the health system may change permanently once the pandemic is over.

COVID-19 Is Spreading in Rural Counties

While new infection rates have plateaued or even slowed in many places, new analysis shows that coronavirus is now spreading most quickly in small, rural counties. Read our Q&As with rural health leaders to see how they are preparing.
How State Insurance Marketplaces Are Responding to COVID-19

Georgetown University researchers explore the ways that state-based health insurance marketplaces are facilitating the enrollment of people who have lost their employer coverage during the coronavirus pandemic. Read how the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces have provided “a port in the storm.”

Why Is Coronavirus Testing So Confusing? How Soon Can I Get a Vaccine?

Nose swab tests,15-minute tests, antibody tests — why are there so many coronavirus testing options? It’s great there are 102 coronavirus vaccine candidates being tested, but how soon can I get the shot? These and other questions are answered with wit and bad sports analogies in Corona Question Corner. Submit your questions to [email protected].

Direct Care Workers: The Invisible COVID-19 Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit direct care workers — people who care for older adults and those with disabilities — particularly hard. To protect these lower-wage essential workers, experts say much greater access to coronavirus testing and personal protective equipment is necessary, as well as higher wages, guaranteed health insurance, and sick leave.

Other Recent Publications
Legal Briefs Show Wide-Ranging Support for Affordable Care Act

The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in a case that will decide the fate of the Affordable Care Act. In his review of the many amicus — “friend of the court” — briefs filed in support of the ACA, health law expert Timothy Jost finds a consistent message: the ACA works, and jeopardizing it would harm the U.S. health system, the economy, and the American people.

What Can We Learn from Other Countries About Mental Health Care?

Americans are among the most likely to report problems getting mental health services, according to a new comparison of mental health and substance use care needs and treatment capacity in 11 countries. Commonwealth Fund researchers find that other countries do a better job of integrating mental health services into primary care and making them more affordable and accessible.

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