Dear Partners,

As you head into what we hope to be a restorative long weekend, we wanted to make sure you saw the latest COVID-19 resources and events to assist you in your advocacy.

Featured Events:

  1. Digital Days of Action: Families need bold action from Congress to ensure families’ health and economic security during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Join us next week as we digitally lift up the critical policies Congress should focus on for the next relief package.
    • Facebook Live Event: Wednesday, May 27, 12:30 pm EST
      • Join us for a Facebook Live Event, with policy experts and storytellers, discussing their experiences and what Congress can do to help. Join us on our Facebook page.
    • Telebriefing: Thursday, May 28, 12:30 pm EST
      • Join Families USA and experts from labor, equity, and health for a discussion on the critical policies Congress should focus on for the next relief package. Click here to register
    • Tweetstorm: Wednesday, May 27, 1:00 pm EST and Thursday, May 28, 1:00 pm EST
      • Join us on both Wednesday and Thursday on Twitter as we call out members of Congress for not doing more to protect families from COVID-19. Use the hashtags: #healthandfinancialsecurity #policiestoprotectfamilies #statesneedCOVIDfunding
  2. Webinars: Join upcoming webinars hosted by Families USA and other partners in health advocacy to support your COVID-19 response strategies:
    • Friday, May 29, 11 a.m. EST: Supporting Primary Care During the COVID-19 Crisis
      • Families USA will join primary care advocates, physicians, employers and health plan representatives to report from the front lines of community care. RSVP to [email protected]
    • Thursday, June 4, 12 p.m. EST: Ensuring Comprehensive Health Coverage through the COVID-19 Crisis
      • This webinar will highlight the projected impacts of the crisis on health coverage in your state – and how you can take action to influence policy responses at the state and federal levels. Register here.

Featured Resources:

We stand with you in lifting up the importance of families’ health and economic security, during this crisis and beyond.

To your health,

Raven Gomez, 
Partnerships Coordinator 
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
Health Action Network

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