Important Correction to Metro DC DSA Weekly Update for Friday, March 15, 2019

What's On This Week

Comrade,    Today's Update gave an incorrect description of the resolution being voted on in the OpaVote sent to MDC DSA members Thursday evening. It could create confusion.

The OpaVote, as those who voted have found, is on the "Resolution to Designate Earmarked Monies," a proposal that has already received a required two readings and is now vote-ready.

The vote is NOT on the "Resolution to Raise Reimbursement Limits" as was incorrectly stated in the Update sent this morning (Aug. 16).
That resolution received a required first reading on Sunday and will be voted on at a future time.

Details of both resolutions may be found in the slide deck shown at the GBM, accessed at this link.

Members should also note that an error in the OpaVote ballot itself could create confusion. The election monitors' statement is "
We are aware the "Amended" resolution in OpaVote still contains language referring to caucuses. This is an error - if amended, the resolution will not contain this language."

On behalf of the Publications Working Group, the Update editor apologizes for the error.

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