Maine Golden Eagle Study
Enjoy setting up trail cameras?
Use your trail cam skills to document golden eagle distribution, habitat use, and movements in Maine.
Photo by Don Dunbar
Northern Maine Wintering Deer Survey
Enjoy snowmobiling or other winter activities that take you into remote parts of northern Maine?
Help inform deer wintering area protection efforts by reporting where you see deer this winter. Northern Maine only.
Rabbit Sightings
Live or spending time in southern or coastal Maine?
Help us keep tabs on an Endangered species by reporting sightings of New England cottontails.
Photo by Wells Reserve at Laudholm
MDIFW tracks where many of Maine’s priority wildlife species occur. Keeping our database current is challenging, especially for species that are uncommon, cryptic, or that live in more remote areas. So we rely on the Maine public’s passion for wildlife – community scientists – to help track these species.
Get involved this winter with one of the projects above. Not sure you how much time you'll have to participate? Every report helps!