Testing for COVID-19
Adults and children over age five who have symptoms of COVID-19 can now access testing.
You can book a test for yourself or a family member, if you and/or a family member have coronavirus symptoms:
- a high temperature,
- a new, continuous cough, or
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
These tests will only be able to tell you if you have coronavirus now. They will not be able to tell you if you have been infected in the past. You need to have the test in the first five days of having symptoms. You may choose between a drive-through site, or a home test kit if you are not able to drive to a drive-through site. The following are the drive-through sites in Greater Manchester:
- Manchester Airport
- Etihad Stadium
If you are not able to drive to one of these sites you can request a home-testing kit via the website. For more information visit the NHS testing site.
If you are not able to access the testing website, you can book a test by telephone by calling 119. Testing is also available for essential workers:
If you are not an essential worker you can book your test by following this link to the NHS test request site.
Information about the potential re-opening of schools
We want to welcome more children and young people back into your schools and early years settings from 1 June.
The decision as to whether a school or early years setting can safely open more widely is one that is for Headteachers, managers and Principals to make jointly with their Governors/owners, working in close partnership with their Trust and ourselves as Local Authority.
Our guidance has been:
1. Safety first
2. Safe solutions will look different in each school and early years setting
3. Plan for a gradual and phased return
4. Prioritise the attendance of vulnerable pupils and the children and young people of critical workers
We will work with schools on their risk assessments and we have let parents know they will not be punished if they decide to keep their children off school.