Trump signs executive order affirming a “Regulatory Bill of Rights”

President Trump signed a historic order this week that bolsters basic due process protections for Americans caught up in agency regulatory proceedings. The order includes a 10 point “Regulatory Bill of Rights” that reflects recommendations made by PLF in a 46-page comment to the administration.
The comment also provided examples of regulatory due process violations cribbed straight from PLF’s years of defending citizens from this type of regulatory abuse. The stories of nine such clients are compiled in a new PLF report released this week called The Regulatory State’s Due Process Deficits.

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This Massachusetts town tried shutting off some residents’ water to combat COVID-19, but that’s unconstitutional

Attempting to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, officials in the town of Salisbury, Massachusetts, recently deprived seasonal homeowners of the right to receive running water in their homes.

Town officials, in their haste, failed to account for the impact of the shut-off order on property owners’ constitutional right to due process and the rule of law. Daniel Woislaw tells us what happened when Pacific Legal Foundation sent a letter to the town manager.

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Santa Clara, California’s misguided ban on COVID-19-safe parades

The County of Santa Clara, California, recently banned peaceful and safe caravans, car parades, and other “drive through” celebrations in a misguided attempt to combat COVID-19.  

But these events pose little public safety threat and have become a popular way of celebrating during the pandemic. Under the ban, high school students can’t even cross an empty stage to grab their diplomas while family members watch from the car. 

PLF sent a letter to the county urging them to reverse their misguided ban. They reversed this policy three days later.

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