Mises Institute
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Happy New Year: A Toast to 50 Years of Legalized Gold
Stuart Englert
On New Year’s Eve 1974, President Gerald Ford snuck in an executive order legalizing private gold ownership, revoking FDR’s previous policies banning gold “hoarding.”
Fiat Money and Dark Forces at Work
Thorsten Polleit
Government paper fiat money does more than just cause economic havoc. It also is an exercise in profound dishonesty and theft.
Harry Truman and the Imperial Presidency
Ralph Raico: When Truman left office in January 1953, he was intensely unpopular, even widely despised. 
The Myth of National Defense
Hans-Hermann Hoppe at the 2003 Mises Institute Supporters Summit.
Why Did the Accuser in the Duke Lacrosse Case Recant? Some Answers
During a recent podcast, the woman who accused three Duke University lacrosse players of beating and raping her in 2006 admitted that she had lied about the whole thing.
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The Gov’t Shutdown: Don’t Fall for the Washington Monument Syndrome
Instead of fearing another government shutdown, Americans should be hoping and praying for one—and not just a five-weeker. What a great Christmas gift to the entire nation that would be!
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Lew Rockwell on the Great Ralph Raico
December marks the eighth anniversary of the passing of Ralph Raico, one of Murray Rothbard’s closest friends, the greatest twentieth-century historian of classical liberalism, and a great libertarian theorist.
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The Founding of The Federal Reserve
Murray Rothbard presented this talk at the Mises Institute’s Seminar on Money and Government in 1984.
How Inflation Destroys Civilization
Fiat inflation leaves a characteristic cultural and spiritual stain on human society. Guido Hülsmann takes a closer look at some aspects of this legacy.
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