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Dear John,

2024 has been a long but amazing year for Freedom for Animals. We have worked very hard to achieve numerous goals on our road towards a world without cages - and we couldn't have done any of it without you! Our new blog details the impact of our work over the past year.

Backyard lion keeper, Reece Oliver, wanted to display animals to guests at the proposed ‘Broxtowe Retreat’ resort in Nottinghamshire. The planning committee agreed with us that this was not an appropriate development. A huge win for animals!

We stood in the way of several new zoos! In 2024 we asked you to object to planning applications for new zoos in Nottinghamshire, Cheshire, Flintshire, Wrexham and Berkshire! You didn't let us down and we won in 4 out of 5 of these cases! 


We exposed the truth of the zoo industry to the public!

In 2024 we published the results of our long-term investigation into the notorious Cumbria Safari Zoo, formerly known as South Lakes Zoo. This showed the neglectful and dangerous conditions there and drove our campaign to see it closed. The zoo closed its gates just yesterday, but the story doesn't end there. We still need to oppose the management team's plans to open a zoo at a new site!  
Cumbria Safari Zoo has been over-breeding white rhinos for years, despite not having space to keep them. Our investigations discovered rhinos confined to small enclosures littered with their own faeces as they awaited their turn to go outside.
We published detailed research on mobile animal exhibits!
2024 saw us publish two huge reports: into animal circuses, and into mobile zoos. These reports debunked the myth that the problem of animals being made to travel for performance and exhibition was solved by the Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019. Animals, both exotic and 'domestic', are exploited in travelling shows all the time, and we found that the legislation intended to protect them is dangerously ineffective. We are calling for an end to all travelling animal shows - you can too using the form on the website!
A bearded dragon is held out like a prop to be poked and prodded by members of the public at a mobile zoo we monitored this year.
We have so much more to do in 2025!
And we still need your help! We will not stop until every cage is empty, and we know that you won't either. We cannot thank you enough for your support, and we're so excited to see what we can achieve together in 2025!

Thank you for taking a stand for animal freedom!

For the animals,

Isobel McNally
Campaigns Officer
Freedom for Animals

P.S. Read the full blog on our website for more detail on what we achieved in 2024!
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